Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Our First Tandem ride - Southbank to Southport

On Sunday 12 Oct, we hired a tandem and took part in the Wilson HTM Brisbane to Gold Coast ride. The 100km ride was supporting the Heart Foundation and Diabetes Australia. With nearly 8000 other cyclists (quite a few on tandems!) we managed to complete the ride in about 5 hours.

The 100km ride has taught us a few things:

1) Tandems are very fast on the flat and downhill.
2) Tandems are slow uphill.
3) Sitting on a bike seat for 5 hours hurts. A lot.

I purchased a pair of good padded bike nix the day before and I'm very glad I did. Joe on the other hand, did not. He has changed his tune since sunday and is now saving every penny to get the most padded shorts he can get his hands on. I'm sure it'll be worth it.

100km before 11am wasn't a bad effort, and we think it will be a lot easier when we've got a whole day to cover about 80km/day in NZ.

The training continues...might even have to start getting up early soon...imagine that!


Friday, October 10, 2008

Something to do in December

Simon and Joe are just two ordinary 25yo guys from a sharehouse in Brisbane. (They are not known for their cycling abilities to date.)

One afternoon not too long ago, Simon and Joe were sitting around trying to think of what to do for the month of December.
"Let's ride somewhere" one said. "Somewhere far away."
"Where?" asked the other. "I haven't ridden a bike in ages."
"Neither have I...we'll need to train."
"How about New Zealand!? We could ride the whole length and raise money for charity!"
"Yeah but anyone can do that - what's the novelty factor?"
"Let's ride the length of New Zealand...on a TANDEM".

...some time passes, fears and doubts are put aside, old bikes are resurrected, tubes are punctured, lights and helmets are bought, flights are booked, a tandem bike is hired...(imagine inspirational montage music is playing...)

Now here you are!

The plan is: ride from Cape Reinga, Northland, to Bluff, Southland, New Zealand from Dec 1 to Dec 28 this year. On a tandem bicycle with a trailer.

While we could do something this stupid just for the fun of it - we thought why not support a great charity like the Red Cross in the process!? So please support us by donating to the Red Cross and make the inevitable pain we're going to go through worthwhile.
