Monday, November 24, 2008

1 Week to Go!

Well, the time has nearly arrived.  We leave for NZ on Sunday to start the ride!  We've got all our gear ready and we've both got our feet into some clip-in shoes (haven't fallen off yet...although everyone says its inevitable).

We'd like to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who has donated to the Red Cross on our behalf.  We've raised over $1500 so far for the Australian Red Cross and we've aldready had a few donations for NZ Red Cross.  The online donation sites will be up and running until well after we get back at the end of December so it's not too late to donate!

If you don't have a credit card and would like to donate, remember that you can also donate using PayPal (which can direct debit from your bank account), or email me at simporter at gmail dot com and I'll send you bank details by email.

Remember to check the blog during December for updates on our progress, photos and videos!

Once again - THANKYOU TO ALL HAVE DONATED.  The Red Cross do so much for so many and I'm sure they appreciate your generosity as much as we do!

Wish us luck!
-Simon & Joe

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